Many of us find ourselves over committed, out of alignment, or just in need of better integration. A new resource launches Monday morning, April 14, 2014 to help us live our spiritual ideals more effectively.
After decades of teaching experiential classes in the philosophy of living, and after writing a book on the topic, I am ready to take the discoveries to a wider public. A sequence of blog posts will take us through the process of developing a philosophy of living. I am thrilled to discover the potentials of blogging, which combines image and text in brief messages that avoid heavy, intellectual discourse, and remain open to comments. After the launch, I’ll release new blogs twice a week, normally Monday and Thursday mornings.
This particular conversation comes with a special discipline attached. As a conversation intended for the general public, it is not a place for explicit reference to The Urantia Book. To succeed, this weblog needs just one conversation, not two. Will you please help me in this and exercise your skills in this kind of communication?
If you are interested, have a look: See you Monday morning. Pass the word.
Twitter: @JeffreyWattles