When Jesus spoke about evangelism, he wasn’t a professor teaching on the principles of how to cultivate new converts with a color-coded diagram and chart. He was speaking from deep within his heart with a love for the people of this world. Reminding his disciples of the emptiness that once was, now they had truth residing, and where there was just daily living now an eternal perspective had come in. Evangelism and outreach doesn’t begin in the words we speak but our everyday thoughts and actions and our own dedication to furthering our knowledge of truth. We cannot bring others to the light if we ourselves are not being immersed in this light.
In P1571:5, 140:3.18 we are reminded “If you would guide others into the kingdom, you must yourselves walk in the clear light of living truth.” We have an amazing opportunity to participate in God’s work, so we need to continue to fan the flame of our own faith and show our world our own lives changed, a new way of living.
Imagine having the cure for cancer and telling no one about it. Well we do have a cure, a cure for a spiritual cancer. Our world is dying from the inside out and we have a knowledge that brings about new levels of spiritual growth, gives a clearer value of human life, and requires self evaluation on a daily basis. If all our world leaders truly valued human life, how different would this Urantia be? How do our world leaders read this amazing truth? It starts with one person finding humanity in another and pulling out the spiritual beings aching to break free.
You never know when the simple invitation you are offering will make a difference in someone’s life that will have eternal significance.Jesus also never apologized for being vocal about the kingdom and this is what I rejoice about. Why be quiet? P1801:1, 163:1.4 “And everywhere you go, preach…” Our command was to make disciples and …“Simply go forth proclaiming: This is the kingdom of heaven — God is your Father and you are his sons, and this good news, if you wholeheartedly believe it, is your eternal salvation.”141:6.4
Imagine having the cure for cancer and telling no one about it. Well we do have a cure, a cure for a spiritual cancer. Our world is dying from the inside out and we have a knowledge that brings about new levels of spiritual growth, gives a clearer value of human life, and requires self evaluation on a daily basis.
If all our world leaders truly valued human life, how different would this Urantia be? How do our world leaders read this amazing truth? It starts with one person finding humanity in another and pulling out the spiritual beings aching to break free. You never know when the simple invitation you are offering will make a difference in someone’s life that will have eternal significance.
Jesus also never apologized for being vocal about the kingdom and this is what I rejoice about. Why be quiet? P1801:1, 163:1.4 “And everywhere you go, preach…” Our command was to make disciples and …“Simply go forth proclaiming: This is the kingdom of heaven — God is your Father and you are his sons, and this good news, if you wholeheartedly believe it, is your eternal salvation.”141:6.4