Venice Beach Booth Volunteers Needed

Norm had been doing a booth at Venice Beach for many many years. It is time for the next generation to step up and take over this incredible outlet of outreach possibility and help it thrive again. We have thrown a few ideas around and we would like to get a committed group of volunteers to man the booth at least four times a month. We could commit to one day a month in pairs of two or three and get to it. I will be developing a schedule and calender to track and manage volunteers and times. The best part is Norm already has a place to store the booth and needed materials right in VENICE BEACH! That means all we have to do is show up and be with people! How easy can outreach get!

So I invite you to throw in ideas or leave comments of when you could personally volunteer. It would be ideal to have two people a week commit to manning the booth. This booth has millions of open minded Californians and people from the World wide pass it every year. Such a awesome place to get to work sharing the good news!

Our movement is kicking into high gear, compared to the past, and opportunities like this one are the fuel for the future. Hitting the pavement and talking to folks is how Presidents get elected and how the Mormon faith is the fastest growing on the planet. Lets not get left in the dust!

Norman D. Ingram, co-founder of UNO

For more information, please contact:
UNO Norman D. Ingram
(Central Outreach Facilitator)
8316 Comstock Ave. Whittier, CA 90602
Tel: 562-698-2122 cell: 562 822 8316

Urantia Nations Outreach

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