Dear Friends,
I’m writing because I’m elated to share that Pato Banton and the Now Generation band are given top billing at this year’s Wild Goose Festival in North Carolina July 7th-10th. (‘Wild Goose’ is a Celtic metaphor for Holy Spirit.) This ‘Emergent-oriented’ progressive Christian festival is “an intersection between ‘Spirituality, Justice, Music, and Art’” – an ideal venue for Pato’s inspirational performance as well as interfacing Urantia teachings. (see links below)
I’m enlisting your help on Pato’s behalf since the Festival pays all expenses except flights and presentation. Pato has accepted their offer and graciously cancelled other concerts realizing this is an exceptional opportunity for sharing his songs and teachings in this Jesus-loving community. The flights to the East Coast for the 8 of them run about $3500. If we reply by April 25th he can cover his credit card coming due May 1st. This man has dedicated his life to serving Michael and the revelation. Let’s show our support – whatever you can!
Please go to Pato’s paypal account:
Serendipitously (!) the Interfaith and Outreach Committees had already conspired to sponsor a book booth at this year’s Festival, with Thomas Orjala, Isadora Galjour, and myself attending. Other Urantians are encouraged to attend – especially those on the east coast who like camping! I’m thrilled to share that some YaYAs will be tilling this fertile field as well. Check out the fun 6-min. video that places you at the Festival and even includes a shot of our Urantia booth : )
Also see
THANK YOU for your consideration of this most opportune occasion to support one other and spread the exalted good news to the Christian community! Please contact me with any questions you may have.
Enthused ~~
Pamela Chaddock – Interfaith/Outreach
2 thoughts on “Pato Banton at Wild Goose Festival!”
Amazing work Pamela – well done sister!
Thanks so much Pamela!!! We are heading out to see you there NOW!