My Personal Outreach

briMy name is Brianna Oliver and I am inspired with outreach and I hope you become inspired by me.  The outreach that I have done consists only of spreading the lovely teachings of the Urantia book.  For me outreach is fun, energizing, and fulfilling.  I have not read the Urantia Book from cover to cover but that doesn’t stop me from spreading the good word because it’s not how much you know, but how you use it, that impresses people.  I feel like my understanding of the teachings of the Urantia book shine through and inspire those souls who are hungry and ready for truth. Mainly I do out reach at college campuses, along without around the city, and lastly personal interactions with my close friends.

Doing out reach on college campuses I would say is most difficult. There are many hoops you must jump through to get allowed to do outreach on campus, along with getting the set up prepared.  A significant amount of times goes into the planning and preparation of a day doing out reach at a college campus. I usually spend my entire day at the college, thats the best most rewarding part.  I get to sit and relax with an abundance of printed material, books, spiritual vitamins, and wait to feed the hungry souls with truth.  I have to remind my self that not every one is ready for the teachings. That is why so may people walk by without making eye contact or act negative towards us.  The greatest reward however is, when someone walks up and says “I have no idea why I came here,” we let them know that we a happy inspired sons of god spreading the good word, then they light up and get the feeling of god.  The connections we make are irreplaceable and I am inspired to continue to do college outreach.

I consider doing out reach around the city as being in places that are busy and handing out free book cards while playing music, and hanging out.  I remember doing this on pearl street in boulder Colorado and it was lovely. One gentleman stopped and hung out with us for some time and inquired quite a bit about the urantia book and its teachings.  Some of this out reach can be done at the beach or at events.

My personal interactions with my friends it my favorite type of out reach.  It hits so close to home and I have the knowledge of how and what my friends react to.  This outreach is like building a castle with legos it takes time patience and skill.  I can always come back to where I left off and talk about ideas with my friends and frankly talking about god and ideas it much better  than talking about others or events.  This is the most important outreach to me because my friends and family are my foundation my support. If my support is inspired by the urantia teachings then I will be set up success for eternity.

Outreach it an enormous component to out society and it is the best service that you can provide your fellow brothers and sisters with.  God bless you and may you be loved inspired and challenged with all the wondrous glory of the kingdom out father has created. “Happy outreaching” with love Bri =)

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2 thoughts on “My Personal Outreach”

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