The Graduation of Nelson Mandela

contibutor_templage12/05/2013- An Inspiration 

By SanSkritA DellErba

In thinking of what spirituality really means I can’t help but think of deeply good men and women such as Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Arundhati Roy, Benazir Bhutto, Gandhi, Corrie Ten Boom, and Desmond Tutu… to name a few. How did they get to the place where they are the people that to me is synonymous with “spiritual living”?

There are many things that carve out the paths of these powerful and gifted individuals, but the number one similarity that unites them all is that they have all known struggle, pain, adversity, disappointment, persecution, and they have managed to transform the pain they have experienced. Ultimately, they are overcomers. There seems to be a great thirst in them, a probing into the void of the unknown. Of course, they face the common fear that exists when seeking the nameless, the mysterious, the unexplained, the impregnable. It is in this frightening depth that the answers are discovered, and thus begins the dual process of desiring truth and simultaneously abhorring its presence.

Don’t we all freeze up when faced with unbearably hot truth? What these seekers find, though, is that the way may seem unclear and ambiguous at first and the facts hard to bear, but what begins to take place in their minds is a surprise for most. After a time of frenzy in their souls due to stretching the limits of their comfort zones, an inner beacon ignites within them, and they begin to learn of The Way, eventually taking confidant strides in the path of righteousness and goodness. These are the kind of people who cross a certain threshold and whom we admire with much love.

Nelson Mandela happened to be a shining example of having gone to the precipice of pain and choosing to take the plunge into the unknown, knowing that the pain he was experiencing would either destroy him if he accepted only what he knew or, instead, catapult him into new places should he reach a hand out in submission to that which is greater than him.

What seems awkward and uncomfortable to our souls might just be the very thing we need to facilitate expansion. Once we start on the path, our whole life will change forever. And then, just as happened with Nelson Mandela, it will change the course of thousands of others. It is not called “spirituality” like we know today; it is called experiential truth converting into eventual/perpetual Absolute truth, which then can be grasped by the collective mind of humanity.


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6 thoughts on “The Graduation of Nelson Mandela”

  1. Thank you for the great post SanSkritA.
    Reminds me of turning the soft iron of the immature soul into the tempered steel of a soul bound for greatness in the spiritual affairs of whatever world they are to be found on. Our planet is an excellent place to jump into the “fire”. Fortunate indeed are those that don’t refuse such grand opportunities, on backward Urantia, to burn off the impurities – those ol’ “marks of the beast”.

  2. Thank you for this thoughtful article, SanSkritA 🙂

    Together with so many of my fellow South Africans, as well as the rest of the Global Village, we are mourning the graduation of Tata/Madiba, as we came to know him. He left us a wonderful example of forgiveness…

    Tata [grandfather] was no saint – not at all, but his life, especially these last few decades has proven to all who wanted to see, that he became a changed man, and a fellow Urantian to be proud of and one we gladly strive to emulate as far as the awesome example and legacy he left us, especially the walk he walked during his last remaining decades this side of the Blue Curtain…

    You’ve started chapter 2 of the most amazing climb, Madiba [Beloved]…fare thee well 🙂

  3. I am about at the end of Malcolm Gladwell’s most recent book, David and Goliath. I recommend it. The premise derived from his research is that sometimes advantages are not, and other times disadvantages are in fact advantageous. The trials and tribulations of Madiba became advantages in his development as an outstanding human being. The person he chose to be had love at his core.

  4. Excellent writing and eulogy for Mandela, SanSkritA,

    Genuine and living truth, goodness and beauty, always go hand in hand. One can easily recognize all three in the lives you cited. And always rising out of multiple afflictions as you noted. Now they are our super-heroes, ones who somehow managed to achieve greatness in one short life, like Sir Nelson did.

    Interesting isn’t, character is totally invisible and measurable? So are truth beauty and goodness, yet they are the most valuable possessions of our soul. The authors imply the best words English has to describe God’s character and nature are Goodness, Truth and Beauty.

    So it’s good to read your beauty-laden writing, especially about the idea that there is “Absolute Truth”, hidden somewhere in the Universe (even inside us) and most worthy of seeking. And that Truth can be lived.

    May you live long and become a great teacher, all the Yayas, Father willin’ and you stay focused on the gospel truth and the truth of the gospel. But find new words 🙂

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