WHO the heck is God’s Gumshoe &
WHY are so many people interested in his Bible investigation program on The Cosmic Citizen?
It has often been said by readers of The Urantia Book, “Why should we study the Bible? We have The Urantia Book don’t we? Isn’t that enough?
God’s Gumshoe says, “Nope, not if you want to be a teacher or leader of The Fifth Epochal Revelation. If you are just reading The Urantia Book for your own interest then probably there is no need to read or understand the Bible. But if you are inspired enough by these teachings, and you think you would like to teach this material, then knowing the Bible is mandatory. Why? Because for almost 2000 years it was the only book that told the story of Jesus and his profound teachings. Today, if we are to advance “The Evolutionary Religions” of planet Earth (Urantia,) with the Fifth Revelation, the teachers of this Revelation will need to be able to converse with the existing religions in their neighbourhood, whether that is geographically in your own community, or the On-line Neighbourhood you frequent, and that means knowing what it is they believe. Jesus did this in his neighbourhood; he knew the existing religious scriptures of his day inside out, and outside in.”
“Secondly,” says GG (his Handle,) “The Bible is the DNA of The Urantia Book, (or is The UB the DNA of The Bible? Hmmmm? ….) Both are true. Much of TUB refers to people, places and events that took place and were then recorded, accurately or inaccurately in the Bible. The authors of TUB assume a basic knowledge of the Bible and most students of TUB, who have studied the Bible, have said that by doing so they came to better understanding of The Urantia Book, and at a much deeper level.”
To facilitate this God’s Gumshoe, an educator in both industry, college and as a member of the clergy, has put together an exciting and interesting program on BlogTalkRadio’s “The Cosmic Citizen.” (www.blogtalkradio.com/cosmiccitizen)
Here each week a mystery of the Bible is examined and using Three (3) “Voices” or 3 perspectives, presents the views of these “witnesses.” Each witness represents the view of its constituency: The Christian perspective, The Academic perspective, and finally from the perspective of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, The Urantia Book. Thus, the listener hearing these 3 views, is able to understand the debate from these differing perspectives, and then able to make up their own mind as to the Truth of the matter.
Gumshoe says, “It is a lot like making a salad. Every day I go to my garden of information (my library, the internet and my seminary notes, ) pick the best and juiciest tidbits, make up my salad dressing, mix it all up and then serve it up on The Cosmic Citizen every Sunday Morning at 11:00 am MST. “ 1pm EST
The purpose of this program is the help The Urantia Book readers, who wish to become teachers of “The Fifth” to understand the Bible, and the assist Bible readers to understand The Urantia Book. As a result, this program is attracting many listeners who are not UB readers. (BTR stats: = 1, 352 for just last week’s program alone.) Using his seminary notes, and assisted by his trusty sidekick (Mega) Watt-son, GG is following a course of study that reveals the truths of TUB and merges them most effectively with the truths of the Bible.
WHO the heck is God’s Gumshoe
God’s Gumshoe was mentored thru the seminary program by Rev. Meredith Sprunger, a long time Urantia Book reader and teacher. GG has often said the Meredith was the “Prime Minister” of the Urantia Movement. GG has been teaching Philosophy/Theology throughout North America for over 30 years. A Urantia Book reader since 1976, he spent ten years in Ministerial preparation, and another 3 years as Ministerial assistant. In 1990, as a Urantia Book student for 15 years, he attended a 2 year Christian Seminary, Ministerial Program, with full scholarship. He was ordained in 1992, and has been the senior minister to three Churches in Washington; Vancouver, B.C., Canada; and Dallas, Texas.
Before ministry, GG taught Computer Science, Programming and Systems Analysis in Business College, where he wrote, developed and implemented a highly successful professional training seminar called “Achieving Professional Excellence (APEX).” This program was extra-curricular and assisted students in setting career and life goals, as well as helping them understand the importance of having and using attitudinal skills, in order to function effectively in the modern work place. This was very well received by students and teachers and he delivered it to three College campuses.
Additionally, GG:
- Was a delegate to the United Nations, where he assisted in the development of the U.N. World Conference “HABITAT.”
- Was the Community Forum leader for “THE WORLD SYMPOSIUM ON HUMANITY?”
- Worked with Mother Theresa, Buckminster Fuller, Pir Vilayat Khan, Barbara Marx Hubbard and many others.
- Has conducted workshops, Sunday services and seminars with many of the modern spiritual teachers such as Marianne Williamson, Gary Zukov and many, many others.
- Was awarded the “XL” award in “THE PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE” programs.
GG has been married for 48 years and has 2 adult children and 3 grandchildren. He claims to be the happiest man on the planet.
6 thoughts on “God’s Gumshoe”
Hi Anon,
Thank you for your interesting article which I just read in the Thought Box. I think “gumshoe” means a private investigator who can step quietly without making the sounds that a leather shoe would make. Is this correct? Who is Gumshoe? You gave many clues, but I’m still stumped. Maybe you will let us know sometime. I’m a life-long student of the Bible, was a Christian pastor, and conducted a bible seminary, so naturally I find this effort admirable and exciting, especially the part about the three voices or perspectives.
Anon, here is a thought for you to consider. Pen names have long been used by writers who don’t want to reveal their identity at present, such as Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) and George Sand (Aurore Dudevant.) The nice thing about a pen name is that it permits the reader to follow a particular writer over time. Consider . . . if other people on this or other blogs also use ‘Anonymous’ as you have, I would not be able to readily recognize or follow a certain writer’s contributions. Several writers would thereby all mix together, in a way. Also, say, if I were to meet you sometime in the future, and you felt free to let me know you were that person with a particular writer’s pen name, then I could link that up with all your writings.
There are many good reasons why writers choose to shield their identity. A pen name is a good and time-tested way to do this.
Thank you,
Bro. Joshua
Thank you for this post. A good understanding of Christianity certainly does enhance one’s understanding of the Urantia Book. I was raised with Christian teachings, but I’ve also found some resources that others might find particularly useful and interesting.
An understanding of the atonement doctrine is critical – not so we can beat Christians over the head and tell them they’re wrong, but if you understand that the true teachings of Jesus are also revealed in the Bible it establishes a common ground for discussion. Christians aren’t necessarily receptive to the Urantia Book, so if you can discuss doctrine from a purely biblical perspective you’re off to a great start. The following article is a “must read” in my opinion:
And for a more entertaining look at the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, I highly recommmend the Brick Bible site. The guy who created it is an atheist, but he does a fantastic job of highlighting some of the absurdities of early evolutionary religion:
Thanks for this great article. I am new to The Cosmic Citizen, but listened to “God’s Gumshow Investigages Prayer” a few weeks ago and found it to be superb! I passed it on to family and friends. Gumshoe has a wonderful way of explaining and inspiring, and I hope he continues these awesome programs.
I always get suspicious of those who claim authority and superior knowledge, but are seemingly afraid of using their real name, especially someone with those apparent credentials. Hmmmmmm.
In any case, I know who he really is and do agree with him that having read and studied the bible for many years, it definitely is an advantage when trying to fathom some of the UB. Peace.
Hello Friends,
Thank you for all the comments. (above) It is very helpful to know what your audience is thinking and your comments help us to improve our programming. Sooooooooo, Thank you so very much for you help.
OBTW, I did NOT post this article. But thx to whoever did….(Anon) 😎
Always in Love
I have listened to several Godsgumshoe spiritual detective shows
I find it so interesting! I enjoy listening to them. I can see that those shows may be a helpful tool in coversations with avid Bible readers!
I also really like the Urantia Book for Dummies 😊