There is no way to train someone how to effectively share their personal religion. It only comes, in my opinion, from a wholehearted faith in those beliefs which you hold as eternal realities. When you are trying to share with someone about the UB or about Revelation you are being tested. They are watching your every move and slightest sign of reservation. If they are a conventional Christian it can only take a single word or a slight look to lose them. You must have conviction matched with a genuine passion for that which you are proclaiming. Its a fine art that takes practice to become good at.
So this was day 5 of our tour. Starting the trip with my introduction to Melvin was a blessing and a reminder of what is possible if we do the Fathers will fearlessly. But I can not deny that I was anxious about having another introduction as amazing as that.
Yesterday I went out in Kansas City’s College District and put up flyers and stickers and placed materials in book stores and coffee shops. As well I introduced six people to the UB but none of them on the same level as Melvin. Just casual introductions for the most part. So today I was nervous that I would again not find any Truthseekers. But again why do I doubt.
Allison had a lunch meeting with a young man at a Starbucks downtown. While she was doing that I got my gear and walked the streets. This district was full of shopping and very nice hotels and restaurants. As I walked down the street I noticed a girl come out from one of the stores and put down a yoga mate on the sidewalk. I kept walking but turned to see if she was actually going to do yoga, and in fact she was. The store was centered around yoga gear and it was their way of attracting people to come in.
I turned around and came back. I watched her for a moment and then she asked me if I did yoga. I told her I did Bikram and she asked where. Telling her San Diego lead into talking about why I was in Kansas City. As I shared with her about the UB I could start to notice the spirit of truth waking up in her. After really pouring out my heart felt introduction to the Revelation she asked if I had a book she could see. (INTRO 12) As I was about to pull it out she said that she was about to go on break and how about we meet and I can show her the UB on her lunch. So we meet thirty minutes later and talked about the Revelation.
Her name was Alyssa. She belongs to a none denominational church and had recently gone on a year long mission to Africa, Asia, and South America. She asked great questions about what the book said and as I talked to her about Caligastia and why we lived on a faith based planet I could again feel the spirit of truth lighting up in her.
I had brought with me one of the Foundations books just in case this happened and how thankful I was that I did. As we walked back to her store I offered to give her the book as I could see she was a seeker of truth. She graciously accepted. If I did not practice yoga and have a commitment to keep my own mind, body, and spirit strong I may have never have had this introduction. I’m more and more realizing that everything matters when it comes to how we spend our time. These are all key factors to how well prepared we are to do the Fathers will.
8 thoughts on “Everything Matters”
Great story Teuvo! I love the connection between personally integrity and preparedness.
Thank you for sharing of your experience, which stimulates my mind on dissemination.
Great job Teuvo!
That’s what’s called the flavor of our experiences in our ministry work. Each of us have unique backgrounds of past and present experiences that we can draw upon to bring that quality of the spirit of unity to each adventure in meeting another candidate for the kingdom of heaven. The Master had a varied life with many different experiences to draw upon when he was ministring to others. So keep going, my brother, and you’ve found the key. Sincerity, more sincerity and more sincerity in your presentation of truth. And yes, having lots of books on hand for that right moment is the other key!
Rock on, my brother!!
Thank you once again for sharing your part in the great adventure, Teuvo 🙂 So wonderful to see how our young fellow climbers are making use of every opportunity – timely and untimely – to plant Faith-seeds.
Looking forward to your next “installment” 😉
Ever Upwards and Inwards!
The team is welcome to stay at my place in St Paul MN anytime. Dan
I love to read your story, Teuvo! My prayers and supporting mind are with you.
Michael & I are looking forward to your visit to Santa Barbara Teuvo! Let’s talk again very soon as the time of your visit is fast approaching my brother. Thank you for sharing your beautiful, uplifting, soul satisfying experiences.
Another GREAT story Teuvo! Thanks for inspiring all of us with these wonderful stories!