Grossmont College in San Diego has become our local college outreach second home. This past week Thomas Orjala, and Aurora Hill visited us here in Southern Cali as part of Winter outreach tour they together enjoy each winter. They both got to bask in our wonderful sunshine as we spent the day outside interacting with young students.
Every time we get out and do this type of one on one outreach I’m left with a real sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Partly I attribute that to the fact that I faced my fears of rejection. My ego always whispers in my head that this trip people might not be interested. But that is NEVER the case! It is so amazing how we can forget how special it is to just share yourself with someone. It truly brings happiness into your being.
I’m aware that some in our community, probably not many reading this, think that outreach is not the best place to focus our efforts and resources in our dissemination of The Urantia Teachings. I kindly disagree. This type of outreach fills two purposes. It builds character of the individual as well as building a awareness of The Urantia Book in general. I was reassured of my conviction to this work when I read this in paper 160 –
“If you are not a positive and missionary evangel of your religion, you are self-deceived in that what you call a religion is only a traditional belief or a mere system of intellectual philosophy”. 160:5.3
- A Missionary is a member of a religious group sent into an area to do evangelism or ministries of service
- Evangelism refers to the practice of relaying information about a particular set of beliefs to others who do not hold those beliefs.
This speaks loudly to me of what we are really called to do. Share the good news wherever we find ourselves! And what a better place to talk about higher levels of thinking then a college campus?! One thing we did find though is that many of the young people we talk with are Christians. Some approach us with a genuine curiosity and some quickly show their intentions of trying to convince us that the bible is the only word of God. This is common and totally cool with me personally. I remind them that we are always brothers in Christ and wherever we find our inspiration to know God is all good by me. It sometimes seems that they are perplexed that there is another book about Jesus. Honestly though most of them leave with a book as I believe they are genuine Truth Seekers!
If we don’t get out and share the teachings/book with the next generation then how will the world ever change? Lets make history this year my friends. Lets get out there and be the loving evangelist we are called in our hearts to be! We will be planning many college outreach opportunities this year and we would love to come to your town or have your help working a booth. There are now about 40 more young people in the world aware of the UB and about 15 more books out there waiting to be discovered! This is a dream come true. Thank you!
[learn_more caption=”Thomas & Aurora Share about Grossmont”]A day at Grossmont College in San Diego. Aurora and I joined Teuvo and Brianna at Grossmont College in some outreach work. Teuvo picked up the permit and we went to an open area designated for outreach activities. Students stopped by the booth to see what we were about. Throughout the day we had many good visits as they passed by on their way to and from classes.
I have run booths at many new age expo’s where the type of person attending is likely to be on a spiritual path of some sort. This is not so on all college campus. Many of the students appeared to be distracted by the burdens they carried as they invested their time in pursuing an education. If only they knew of the faith-giving gift awaiting them just a few steps away. One young lady that Aurora spoke with had just been baptized 2 weeks before and was so excited to receive a card for a free book.
I spoke with several Christians that were open to hearing about a new way to know Jesus. One young man walked up, took a look and asked if he could get a book in Spanish. I had brought one copy with me from Idaho and was delighted to hand it to him. Another fellow that was in his 30’s asked many questions about where the book came from and said he read anything that would challenge him in the spiritual/philosophical realm. Teuvo had a lengthy and fruitful conversation with the leader of Christian activities on the campus. It was good to see him show a genuine interest in having a book after much lengthy discussion.
The day was very rewarding and we left knowing that Urantia books were safely in the hands of people that had set aside judgments and opinions and followed their inner leading to speak to us about something new that could make an immense difference in their lives and those that they will touch with the gift we gave to them that day. Thomas Orjala Outreach Committee [/learn_more]
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7 thoughts on “College Missionary Evangelists”
Wow! Great work, guys! Looks like Urantia Road Tour is on the roll again!
That was a great experience! We met numerous young people who were eager to find out more and we met lots of young folks who were not interested in the least. It’s all good, because as Teuvo says it is a training for me each time I speak to someone and I get to learn from them too. One young man spoke to us extensively about his knowledge of Bible passages and he expressed great interest in parallel stories from the UB. He walked away with a free book card and a commitment to check it out!
Going over this post again has inspired me. What a wonderful task to share the good news with the world. There is no doubt that its is slow but let us remember that God would give up all the material universe for the love of one of his children. If we spend all that time and energy to go out and only touch one person that is an amazing success.
We must know as evangelist that we are planting seeds. These seeds will take time to blossom and when they do we must be waiting to take them in and nurture them in our loving community. That is the real work. Sharing the good news is the easy part!
With love. Tev
I’m heartened by your wonderful work. The video offers a glimpse of the spiritedness brought to these efforts. May Father richly bless your endeavors!
We thank you for your kind words and support. It is our greatest desire to be on every college campus some day. Next fall we will be going to campuses all up the California coast. Stay tuned!
I know one day,i will be opportune to be in the midst of my fellow readers,in the oversea country in order for me to study the core simple principle of epochal management in this type of favourable and conducive environment for learning.So as for me to be able to spread the teaching in simple and in truth.
Where are you now? I hope that one day you will be able to join us in our efforts to reach young students and tell them about the truth of the revelation.
Much love.