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These days fewer and fewer people actually read books. And fewer and fewer people who read books read difficult spiritual books. Attention spans are shortening thanks to overload of information and the internet. One to two minutes is the outside limit for many attention spans. More and more people are involved in social media and see memes and watch short videos.
The Urantia movement has a very small population of readers. While meeting and introducing people to the UB is probably the best method, it is clear that a better way to reach more people is more likely to be successful. Once the UB was digitized and put online with search ability, the number of people who could (and have) access it has skyrocketed. It is on these premises that we have concluded that videos make excellent vehicles to spread the messages of the Urantia Book.
Because most people are more likely to be reached through video, Mind, Body & Spirit is pleased to announce the Victoria Clark Video Awards contest. Here is how it works:
1. Create a video that highlights a meaning(s) or value(s) and reference the Urantia Book at some point in the video.
2. Post the video on YouTube.
3. Send me (harrisf@gtlaw.com) a link to the video.
4. When I receive the video, I will check the number of views and record that number.
5. On June 30, 2016, we will again check the number of views for all of the entrants’ videos
6. The video with the most views will receive an award certificate with a check for $500.
7. The second place video will receive an award certificate with a check for $300.
8. The third place video will receive an award certificate with a check for $200.
9. We will also publish a list of the videos to encourage views.
10. Once this contest is over we will do start a new time period and solicit videos again.
Our purpose is the spread the good news and to encourage the dissemination of the messages of the Urantia Book in a medium with a message that is acceptable to a large number of people. While people can make videos of any length they like, we expect that shorter, pithier videos will get more hits. We expect that fewer words will result in more hits. We think that more universal messages will get more hits. But, really, we don’t know. It will be interested to see which videos go viral.
So, let’s begin. Produce a video and join us in getting the message out there. And maybe win a few bucks. But have fun and use your creativity to spread the gospel. Hold High the Mission! It shall not fail, but we can help move it along. Fred
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