Hello family and friends! Well it’s a New Year. To the Urantia Youth this year symbolizes great potential for many great reasons. The first being that we now have a Youth & Young Adults Committee dedicated to the youth community and the dissemination of the Urantia Teachings! Some of our projects include:
- College Outreach
- Family Life
- Web Development
- Youth Conferences
- Introduction Films
What does a New Year mean for our community? It does symbolize a marker or reminder for what we have accomplished in the previous year. It’s also a testament to the many years of hard work The Urantia Book Fellowship has put into outreach. In our hearts we are all aware of the need for creating a more spiritual and connected community throughout the world. The only way we will ever manifest this dream is if we create the opportunities for young people to grow up with a supportive community and family life. We all live in the faith of our brother Jesus guiding us to this ideal.
So what are your goals for the New Year?? Maybe go to yoga more, mend an old relationship, or get a new job? Whatever they may or may not be lets be honest with ourselves that most of us forget our plans within a few weeks and then things are back to normal, right? Well maybe this is the year where we make it our resolution to simply not do that. We decide to pick a few easy tasks and we stick with them. We ask good friends to work with us and help keep us accountable.
The Youth & Young Adults Committee is working on ground breaking projects this entire year. Our greatest desire is to bring forth change in our community and in each others lives so that we might make this world a little bit better place to live. Our movement is at a great turning point, and the work we do for the kingdom this year will have ripples that will be talked about for generations. Our greatest tool for making all these grand dreams come to life is being in touch with the spirit. Thank you for your support!
Side Note:
As you may have heard The Fellowship has picked a new cover for The UB. We are very curious to see what you guys think…