I went to an epic party when I was about twenty years old. I made some new friends, one of whom told me about The Urantia Book during one if our philosophical discussions. This resulted in an immediate and life-long love affair with the Revelation. It satiated my burning appetite for truth ,a gift for which I am immeasurably appreciative. It was, however, a lone journey. In six years, I never met another who knew of the life-giving book. Never did I succeed in my attempts at bringing friends and family to drink from this well of truth. Happily, I stumbled upon the YaYA group on the internet a few weeks before the event this April in Gloucester, MA. I signed up immediately. Never did I expect to find such a warm, intelligent, and enlightened group of young people. It was thoroughly life changing, mentally refreshing, and spiritually awakening. During our first meeting, I looked around and knew these people would be part of the rest of my life. I now have restored hope in humanity’s future, and an awareness that young UB readers have a large part to play in it. I am exceedingly grateful to those from the Fellowship who made this monumental event possible.
Michael Viviano
7 thoughts on “Michael Viviano”
What a great story! Thanks for sharing that Michael. And thanks to Teuvo for posting it! Thanks to the Fellowship for making it possible!
I look forward to meeting you some day too!
All the best,
Andrea Barnes
I am so glad that you discovered the UB when you were 20. I discovered it just recently at the age of 62. I hope I’m a fast learner! 😉
Carolyn Freeman
Michael, your experience gives me even more hope. It’s seven years (April 2006) since I encountered the FER, and still have to meet a fellow Reader/Believer in the flesh! Ta stax for sharing this post 🙂
Arno. Get to every conference you can get your hands on! Meeting UB people is the best. Changed my life more than the book has.
Michael – I would if I could, but South Africa is a bit on the “outskirts” and removed from the USA 😉 For the time-being I’m following all the action in the Fellowship’s publications as well as UrantiaNow…and OFF COURSE…all those FB UB-sites. Howbeit, thank you for the encouragement.
You look a bit different without hair! Fun hanging with ya, look forward to more of it.
For sure man. Find me on FB. Going to Idaho/Yosemite/Las Vegas?