September 28, 2013
Due to the success of Urantia-based Spring Retreats which have been held over the past 14 years in the New England area, the U.B.S.C.N.E. (Urantia Book Service Corps of New England) thought it a favorable time to expand on the worship element of our community. With this is mind, members of U.B.S.C.N.E. gathered a number of times to plan a Day Retreat that would embrace the same basic theme as next year’s International Conference – “Grow Godward” – which will be held over five days in our own “neck of the woods” – Amherst, MA.
Our event, which was attended by 19 Urantia Book readers, took place on Saturday, September 28, from 9am to 5pm in Acton, MA. The theme for the day was “Worship: Communion & Community”. Highlights of the day included opening worship, a presentation led by Angela Thurston on IC ’14, with discussion on our roles as local residents in realizing this great event. This discussion was followed by a presentation on “Paper 27: The Conductors of Worship”, given by Jack Tecce and Mike Sullivan. Our day concluded with a dynamic, energetic drumming and healing session, presented by Dennis Cotton, followed by closing worship.
The retreat experience takes us away from the normal, sometimes chaotic and forceful current of life. It is a reinforcing connection for building community, which has been a main objective for those in our area, and is yet another channel by which to deepen our personal understanding of worship in its many forms. We are offered the opportunity to welcome the warm embrace of old friends, savor the taste of new personalities, and share the day with like-minded brothers and sisters who are searching for growth in their relationship with God.
Our Day Retreat was a wonderful mixture of generations, genders, and people trained across the spectrum of theological ideas. Yet, there was a unity, a spirit of cooperation, and a common desire to build community. We thank the young Urantia Book readers for contributing to our day, for the new energy they exude, and for their willing spirits, both as individuals and as a group. As we continue to build community, we count them as strong and steadfast friends.
Written by Paul & Jorgey Krupa, with comments by Karen Larsen & Linda Huff