Brainstorming the future

While at the Urantia Foundation this summer we took the time to voice our ideas about future projects we all would like to see happen. Below is a list of the general ideas and who purposed them. I thought this might be useful information to use as a tool to spur on ideas and work to find others who share common passions. All of the names are linked to that persons facebook if available. If you have any other questions or would like to get involved with any of these ideas please contact us.


A place to:
-Hold classes/study groups/meetings
-Provide training (ministry/ordination levels, evangelism, counseling, mentoring, etc.)
-Have an area for counseling, support groups, ministry, etc.
-Front area can be coffee shop/juice bar etc. (place for socializing/fellowship that is open every day and can help bring in revenue to keep doors open)
-Have worship services
-Music events
-Community garden on site
-Provide simple organic, locally grown vegetarian lunch every day (people can pay by donation…can still get lunch if they don’t have money if they sign up
to volunteer some), or have some kind of soup kitchen??
-Have Truthseekers events, after school programs
-Provide healthy living support (yoga, seminars, acupuncture, classes, etc.)

-Jesus papers recompiled and geared toward reaching out to Christians (David Fabe already working on)
-How to live as a Being of Love Seminars to present at Christian Churches (Miranda)

-Street Evangelism (training program/manual- Kailas, Teuvo, Dani)
-UB Intro Day Seminar (Andrea Barnes, Teuvo)
-Media: TV commercials, You-Tube videos, bumper stickers, posters, clothing (Teuvo)
-College outreach (Teuvo)
-Seminars about Angels, Mind, etc. (Miranda)
-“KONY 2012” type marketing

-Truthseekers – youth/YaYAs (could also be tailored to younger kids or adults, could become after school program, could be used in youth/community centers,
done as family, etc.)  (Ashlee, Teuvo, Meredith, Miranda, Liz)
-Family strengthening, character building program (family night each week, family focuses on different value to work on together each week, service projects
together, etc???) (Miranda)
-After school program that focuses on values-character building/service…coed, family involvement when possible, multiple age groups (Miranda)
-Develop a marriage, family preparation program
-UB CHAT (Liz)
-Mentoring program (Liz)
-Twice a year YaYA conferences/get-together (Angie)
-All do LANDMARK training as a group (Teuvo)

-2014- lots of young adult involvement/multiple tracks you can attend while at conference (Angie)

-HOLISTIC COMA RECOVERY NON-PROFIT/publishing book “The Angel Within” (Allison)
-‘History of Urantia Movement’ BOOK (Mike M.)

Also, things to talk about in the future too:
-Where do we stand as far as our thoughts about Urantia Teachings/Jesus’ teachings as religious teachings? Are we a religious organization? What can we do
with Geoff’s survey to help build things for the future?
-Teuvo mentioned looking at Brotherhood original writings about training levels, etc.
-Talk about International Conference 2014
-Talk about differing opinions about spreading the teachings, giving out books, etc.(some people feel marketing, giving out books to anyone could be dangerous/not wise)

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2 thoughts on “Brainstorming the future”

  1. Thanks Teuvo for this wonderful list of ideas the Youth and Young Adults came up with! Brilliant! I’d love to hear more about what you would like to see at the 2014 international conference. Cristina Seaborn

  2. so great to see y’all so happy and so many generations all syncopated in the Fathers presence ready to do His will, which is obvious from the creative ideas generated in this list.
    many of your suggestions sound the same as the Garden of Eden committee’s goals, so do coordinate with Meridith Tenney.. when we are ready to go you have a home to practice all those ideals and ideas and intentions.
    love and light

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