2015 In Review

We are wishing you a fantastic year ahead, as we recall the wonderful year we just had! The Youth and Young Adult Committee of the Urantia Fellowship attempts to have at least two gatherings per calendar year that beckon the younger students of the revelation to come and play. In 2015 our pattern was to partner with already-established events.


Our first social occasion was joining Minister Pato Banton’s third annual Spiritual Family Gathering. This growing celebration of multi-denominations is a well-balanced blend of spirituality, musical reversion, educational presentations, and think-tanks on where the Urantia movement is headed and what we are going to do about it. Each Memorial Day weekend, two of the most charismatic evangelists of our time and for our cause, the Bantons, host this inspirational collective in Los Angeles. They are now in preparations for the fourth annual. If you are looking for a good time on your May date book, make your plans now to attend. We have heard there are a few surprises up their sleeves! Join our newest committee member, Derek Samaras, as heads out to video-document this special event.


The second connection was the Gathering at the Hood. Nestled in the serene abundance of the tall evergreen trees, this was the first event created by the Urantian Communities of the Pacific Northwest (UCPNW). Attended by mostly long-time friends within the Urantia movement, the weekend event afforded a wellspring of experiential knowledge to nourish our souls.  Enjoy a remembrance of the event produced by our very own Teuvo Orjala.  (video link)

Then the apex of our year landed us at the Parliament of the World’s Religions! We had twenty-five young people under one roof and about one hundred thirty readers representing the Urantia Book amongst the nearly ten thousand God-knowing brothers and sisters on our precious planet. This ascenionary spectacle was so popular, and necessary for our current evolutionary age, that the Parliament is now slated to be held every two years. Next up, Europe!? We are already brainstorming for 2017. You may have caught some of the journal entries we posted to UrantiaNow.com (here) and Derek produced this video (video link).


A core initiative every year is college outreach. Several booths at college campuses display ‘Spiritual Unity’ and the Urantia Book. We have an open invitation to anyone who wants to get involved and help share this sacred source of learning on our neighborhood campuses. If you want to get involved just raise your hand.


Apart from our physical get-togethers, our committee has been committed to a weekly conference call for the past five years. It has now evolved into an online meeting with video and phone capabilities; the upgrade in technology has certainly expanded our ether-socialization. Anyone is welcome to listen in. Here is a shout out to all who know of any youth, or are young readers themselves, who may want to become a bit more involved without any requirements or duties. Please, tell the rising generation we are here for support, community, and what dreams may come!

Praying for us all to live in accordance with our heavenly Parent’s will in the year to come.

With love and blessings,
The YaYA Committee

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